Francois Jordaan
|fjordaanA collection of tools and techniques for testing the accessibility of websites and apps, both during development and on existing products.
In this workshop, we will learn a variety of techniques and methods for testing and improving the accessibility of websites and apps, both during development and on existing products. We'll look at browser plugins and apps that come in handy, as well as the tools built into our browsers and operating systems, focusing on the most common issues. The requirements for legal compliance will also be touched on.
While primarily a UX designer and information architect, Francois got into the web standards movement in the early 2000s and loves simple, semantic HTML and CSS. He has always been interested in web accessibility, from both a designer's and developer's perspective, and wants to help teams build accessibility into their products from the outset, rather than as an add-on. Outside of work, Francois enjoys guerilla gardening and using web tools to organise biodiversity and local history volunteer groups.
23-25 April 2025